Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bleach 6th Division Captain Kuchiki Byakuya Cosplay Costume

As the typical bleach Byakuya outfit, the 6th captain Byakuya cosplay costume is also somewhat the same as the other captain uniforms, but it has its own specialty feature, namely the number of his division and the white scarf that adds a kind of elegance to the whole attire.
Cosplay bleach Byakuya Kuchiki is not only popular in the eyes of the cosplay boys but also include the cosplay girls. Byakuya always calm, quiet, extremely serious and protects the Soul Society with his heart and soul, of course as the captain, he is extremely skilled, in addition, he is a handsome guy. In a word, he is a charming young man. Hence, we could find so many bleach cosplayers all over the world all the time.
This captain Byakuya outfit is made of sleeveless gown, Kimono, scarf and belt, which is the cool and powerful apparel for cosplay.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bleach Soi Fong Cosplay Wig

As for bleach Soi Fong cosplay, apart form the cosplay costume, the wig also plays an important part in this bleach cosplay. This wig looks really great and as if it is the real hair of Soi Fong in the picture. Do you think so? It can be said that any of us put on it would be looked the same her, and others can not figure out it is our real hair or the wig.

Soi Fong is one of my favorite anime girls. I don’t know the exact reason, but I am really into her as I see her in Bleach. She is sexy and attractive in my heart. I’ve got some Soi Fong pictures and now I want to share them with you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bleach Yadoumaru Lisa Sailor Uniform for Cosplay

     Bleach Yadoumaru Lisa sailor uniform is in the form of and white shirt with long sleeves, light blue ruffle skirt and red tie. This bleach cosplay costume is one of the typical outfits for our cosplay. Lisa is one of the best cosplay choices for those girls who wear glasses and have long dark hair.
Without doubt, as one of the member of the group of The Visored, Lisa is a characteristic bleach character with her lustful nature and braided hairdo. It seems that she is easily irritated and apparently into reading erotic manga. Bleach Lisa Yadoumaru was the former lieutenant of the 8th Division. She is also skilled. The same as the other roles, she still has gained her followers all around the world.

Cosplay Lisa by means of dressing this Seifuku in the show would be something different from the other bleach cosplays for that most of the bleach clothes are in Bleach styles. In this way, we would stand out among the cosplayers if we put on this uniform in the activity. Why not have a try?
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