Thursday, November 15, 2012

Easy Bleach Nemu Kurotsuchi Cosplay

What are the easy cosplay choices in your mind when ask you to make a list? On my part, this bleach Nemu cosplay should be contained on the list, do you think so? There is no gorgeous or compicated designs of this cosplay, all we need is the short black kimono extends to middle thigh with white kimono underneath and long sleeves, along with white sash and red choker. As for hair, if we just have long black hair, it is unnecessary for us to buy the wig, our real hair is enough. Nemu has long black hair in braid with lightly parted bangs.
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Bleach Nemu Kurotsuchi looks young and has big green eyes, a slender Shinigami. She is the lieutenant of the 12th Division, a kind-hearted, soft, reticent and passive girl.
Without the shinging cosplay costume, bleach Nemu cosplay still could bring us lots of fun. And we could be recognized by others easily at the cons. It is an easy but special cosplay.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Interesting Bleach Group Cosplay

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If ask me that what is the cosplay that I always want to see in the cons or the other parties, I would say bleach group cosplay is one of them on my list. Yeah, I love bleach and group cosplay, the more people in it, the better, because that would be so interesting and amazing. At the same time, there are many different teams in the whole story, like the Shinigami, the arrancar or espada and the Zanpakuto and the like, we could find the ideal and cool group choice all the time.

And it would be more meaningful that cosplay our favorite characters together with our good friend or the like-minded people in the shows. Take a look at the bleach cosplay girls and boys in pictures, yeah, they display eye-catching and grand scene.

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