It is easy for us to recognize this bleach Uryu Ishida cosplay costume when look at the picture. As one of the main bleach characters, Uryu is a black-haried guy with a pair of glasses. And he is impressive to me for his quiet personality and skillful needlework. As for Uryu cosplay, this cosplay outfit is also one of your best choices for the show. Since I have mentioned another Uryu outfit which is in the form of white jacket and black trousers along with white belt in the former post, this is a totally different style of clothing that is composed of white coat together with the white fanon, white pants and gloves while a blue stripe around the waist.
As we know that Uryu is a man of individuality, the same does his accoutrements. Of course, this bleach cosplay costume is one of the distinctive suits. And there are different apparels of Uryu in the series, which meets the need of the cosplayers who want to try dissimilar clothes when impersonating one character.
In fact, when we do the exact cosplay it is because that we are really into that character or there are something attractive to us that we want to imitate. In this way, in the matter of bleach Uryu, he is also a charming boy in the eyes of many of the impersonators. What about you?