Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bleach 6th Division Captain Kuchiki Byakuya Cosplay Costume

As the typical bleach Byakuya outfit, the 6th captain Byakuya cosplay costume is also somewhat the same as the other captain uniforms, but it has its own specialty feature, namely the number of his division and the white scarf that adds a kind of elegance to the whole attire.
Cosplay bleach Byakuya Kuchiki is not only popular in the eyes of the cosplay boys but also include the cosplay girls. Byakuya always calm, quiet, extremely serious and protects the Soul Society with his heart and soul, of course as the captain, he is extremely skilled, in addition, he is a handsome guy. In a word, he is a charming young man. Hence, we could find so many bleach cosplayers all over the world all the time.
This captain Byakuya outfit is made of sleeveless gown, Kimono, scarf and belt, which is the cool and powerful apparel for cosplay.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bleach Soi Fong Cosplay Wig

As for bleach Soi Fong cosplay, apart form the cosplay costume, the wig also plays an important part in this bleach cosplay. This wig looks really great and as if it is the real hair of Soi Fong in the picture. Do you think so? It can be said that any of us put on it would be looked the same her, and others can not figure out it is our real hair or the wig.

Soi Fong is one of my favorite anime girls. I don’t know the exact reason, but I am really into her as I see her in Bleach. She is sexy and attractive in my heart. I’ve got some Soi Fong pictures and now I want to share them with you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bleach Yadoumaru Lisa Sailor Uniform for Cosplay

     Bleach Yadoumaru Lisa sailor uniform is in the form of and white shirt with long sleeves, light blue ruffle skirt and red tie. This bleach cosplay costume is one of the typical outfits for our cosplay. Lisa is one of the best cosplay choices for those girls who wear glasses and have long dark hair.
Without doubt, as one of the member of the group of The Visored, Lisa is a characteristic bleach character with her lustful nature and braided hairdo. It seems that she is easily irritated and apparently into reading erotic manga. Bleach Lisa Yadoumaru was the former lieutenant of the 8th Division. She is also skilled. The same as the other roles, she still has gained her followers all around the world.

Cosplay Lisa by means of dressing this Seifuku in the show would be something different from the other bleach cosplays for that most of the bleach clothes are in Bleach styles. In this way, we would stand out among the cosplayers if we put on this uniform in the activity. Why not have a try?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bleach Hisagi Shuuhei Cosplay Costume

Bleach Hisagi Shuuhei cosplay costume is somewhat the same as the Soul Reaper member uniform from the outside appearance but there are really different. This suit is composed of sleeveless jacket, trousers and belt. Anyhow, we could easily figure out this attire from the other bleach outfits.
As for Shuuhei Hisagi, he is the lieutenant of the 9th Division, a mature and calm young guy. What impress us most is the "69" tattoo on the left side of his face. In my view, he is a cool and handsome individual. Maybe this is one of the main reasons that both boys and girls are into this bleach cosplay. We could find that there are many different cosplayers dress up as Shuuhei in the shows, whether boys or girls, they look so cool in the black cosplay outfit with the unique "69" on the face.
If you are a fan of bleach, and if you are interest in something characteristic, try this Hisagi Shuuhei cosplay. It will never let you down.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Funny Bleach Pictures

Aha! There are always so many interesting things in our life and they bring us endless fun. So do these funny bleach pictures.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bleach Matsumoto Rangiku Soul Reaper Cosplay Costume

Bleach Matsumoto Rangiku is lieutenant of the 10th Division in Bleach. As one of the sexy female characters of this series because of her large breasts, of course another one is Orihime Inoue; in addition, Rangiku is very serious and thoughtful as the lieutenant.
So she bacomes the ideal cosplay choice for those cosplay girls who possess sexy body shape, and that is to say they look the same as Rangiku, namely they look sexy, curvy body and large breasts. When Rangiku wears this Soul Reaper uniform, her figure is fully and perfectly dispalyed with exposed cleavage and hot appeal. This outfit is made up of Kimono and beautiful belts, it is easy but appealing.
If you are looking for some anime girl who has long orange or saffron hair and large bosoms, bleach Rangiku is a goodc choice.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bleach Ayasegawa Yumichika Cosplay Costume

What do you think of this bleach Ayasegawa Yumichika cosplay costume? Can you pick it out among the other bleach outfits? I think the answer probably is yes. It is because that there is something unique about this piece that we could easily figure it out.
This bleach cosplay outfit comes up with standard Shinigami Shihakushō uniform along with an orange piece of clothing placed on top of his suit around his neck. It is also connected to an orange sleeve on his right arm, which is just right the outstanding aspect of his accoutrement. It is the classical attire of Yumichika, so when speaking of Yumichika cosplay, this piece would be the first choice for the cosplayers.
What is more, Yumichika is said to be the most beautiful male member. There are colorful feathers on his right eyelashes and eyebrow, and plus his shiny skin, purple eyes and black hair, all of these features contribute his feminine appearance. Hence, this bleach dress is not only attactive to boys but also to girls. If you are a Yumichika fan, this is a must for you.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Bleach Shiba Kuukaku Cosplay Costume

If you are a girl who is sexy and want to display your charming figure in the show, or if you wanner try something different from the common suits which is composed of coat and pants, I highly recommend you this bleach Shiba Kuukaku cosplay costume. Take a look at the picture, it looks simple but it seems that there is something special about this piece. So it is simple but is full of charm and character, which could present the particular feminine to the fullest.

Kuukaku Shiba is leader of the Shiba clan and personal friend of Yoruichi Shihōin. She is an energetic young woman of average height with green eyes and wihte headband over her black hair. Gernerally she dresses the outfit in the picture which is in the form of red shirt or a robe and white skirt. And Kuukaku lost her right armwhile has a tattoo on her left arm. What impresses me most is her personality, she is violent and very aggressive, so often scolding and beating those who annoy her, especial her brother Ganju Shiba.

Anyhow, cosplay this bleach character is a great choice. This bleach cosplay costume would verver let you down.

Monday, October 24, 2011

White Bleach Sun-sun Cosplay Costume

Yay! This is the bleach Sun-sun cosplay costume, I love it very much. I mean both the outfit and the bleach character Sun-sun. And her real name is Cyan Sung-Sun; she is a slender female Arrancar with long olive-green hair, long eyelashes, and three pink dots below her right eye, which is one of her most distinctive features. Plus she has beautiful lavender eyes, like the eyes of the snake. In addition, I like her hairdo, long and flowing with tidy bangs, it is beautiful.
Cosplay bleach Sun-sun is reall a good choice for cosplay girls, especially for those ones who are foud of the same hairstyle. Of course, the style of this cosplay outfit seems quite simple and plain, but as one of the bleah characters, Sun-sun has her trait that is unique among the others. Meanwhile, she is intelligent and mature.
This bleach costume is provide us with the good opportunity to look the same as Sun-sun one the one hand, and on the other hand it could makes us outstanding and different in the show. Why not have a try?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Exquisite Bleach Cosplay Accessories

Apart from the various kinds of bleach copslay costumes, there are so many Exquisite cosplay accessories for us. And here i would like to share some of them with you, Bleach fans.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who is the Most Excellent Bleach Cosplayer?

We can not deny that there are always some of the bleach cosplayers who are really excellent enough to attract our attention firmly as long as we take a look at them. And here I list some of the amazing cosplay girls who display charming appearances to us in this post. And who is the most imprssive one in your eyes?
They are cosplaying the four different bleach characters as the picures shows here. On my part, each of them has something attractive that draws us to them. 
This is bleach Ruikia cosplay. I like her big eyes and the wig which looks like her real hair.
She is portraying Tier Halibel, so sexy. It can be said that any of us will be obsessed with her.
Bleach Orihime Inoue cosplay. She looks cute and somewhat sexy as well.
She is impersonating Yoruichi Shihoin. Whoa! Cool!
Of course, they cannot show us their eye-catching job without these bleach cosplay costumes.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bleach Ichigo Cosplay Wigs

As the pictures show that there are main two bleach Ichigo cosplay wigs. One is in the white and another is orange. Actually the former one is the Hollow Kurosaki Ichigo wig, which Ichigo wears in the form of Hollow but not the really Ichigo.

In the preceding part of the anime, Hollow Ichigo is a tall and lean-built guy with white skin and hair. When speaking of him, the most impressive thing about him is his high-sounding laughter and psychotic countenance. He is brutal, arrogant and sadistic. Anyhow, he is still powerful even Ichgo defeats him finally.So this cosplay wig would star you the same as Hollow Ichigo in the cosplay show.

And then is the orange wig, this is the exact one Ichigo has in Bleach. Short spiny cosplay wig, it looks great and somewhat different from the white one. Put on this orange one in the show if you prefer this Ichigo,a more kindhearted and easygoing guy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bleach Uryū Ishida Recovered Cosplay Costume

It is easy for us to recognize this bleach Uryu Ishida cosplay costume when look at the picture. As one of the main bleach characters, Uryu is a black-haried guy with a pair of glasses. And he is impressive to me for his quiet personality and skillful needlework. As for Uryu cosplay, this cosplay outfit is also one of your best choices for the show. Since I have mentioned another Uryu outfit which is in the form of white jacket and black trousers along with white belt in the former post, this is a totally different style of clothing that is composed of white coat together with the white fanon, white pants and gloves while a blue stripe around the waist.
As we know that Uryu is a man of individuality, the same does his accoutrements. Of course, this bleach cosplay costume is one of the distinctive suits. And there are different apparels of Uryu in the series, which meets the need of the cosplayers who want to try dissimilar clothes when impersonating one character.
In fact, when we do the exact cosplay it is because that we are really into that character or there are something attractive to us that we want to imitate. In this way, in the matter of bleach Uryu, he is also a charming boy in the eyes of many of the impersonators. What about you?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bleach 2nd Division Captain Soi Fong Cosplay Costume

This is the set of the bleach 2nd division captain Soi Fong cosplay costume in the picture which contains the white overcoat (haori), Kimono, socks, the belt and sandals. Right, I have talked about another suit about her that is the bleach Soi Fon fighting cosplay outfit in the former post. And of course the two pieces are totally different from each other. And each of them displays its unique appeal in the eyes of the cosplayers.
Ok, today’s topic is on the captain uniform, so let’s go to the point. It is well-known that Sion Fon is such kind of girl, who is completely a tomboy from the aspect of her outer appearance and her behavior. And what is more, she is well-known in the Soul Society for her high speed movement, shunpō. In a word, she is a skill Soul Reaper that she could be competent for the Captain of the 2nd Division.
This Soi Fong apparel is the mark of her capability. Cosplay Bleach Soi Fong is great choice for the Halloween and a way to express your affection to this bleach charater. The captain uniform would make you feel the same her in the Soul Society.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Where to Get the Bleach Cosplay Costumes for Your Halloween?

Bleach Soul Reaper Cosplay Costume
As one of the royal and traditional festivals, Halloween without doubt is one of the significant times for you in the whole year. And here, I would like to suggest you do the bleach cosplay in the great occasion. There are so many different distinctive characters for your choice, so probably you could find your favorite easily. One the other hand, it is obvious that each of the roles has already gianed their own fans since the appearance. In this way, all you have to do is to get the cosplay costume for the activity. 
Bleach Grimmjow Cosplay Costume
And then where to get the bleach cosplay outfit is the crucial problem, right? Of course, some of the cosplayers are good at sewing, so make the uniform on their own is one way. Another is to buy it form the stores if you are not a good tailor at all. And again, I highly recommend you the online shop to purchase your suits. By means of the online one, which means you could save a lot of time and money. What is more, there are more choices offered. You could get the ideal apparel at last with the cheapeast price and the best quality.
Boys and girls, come on, it is time for you to get the magical bleach cosplay costumes now. Halloween is a chance to show you to others. Enjoy yourself!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bleach 10th Division Captain Toushiro Hitsugaya Cosplay Costume and the Wig

As we know, all the bleach captain uniforms are the same except one thing that is the number marked at the back of the clothes. In this way, the bleach 10th division captain Toushiro Hitsugaya cosplay costume looks the same as the other captains’, for example, the 3rd Division Captain Gin Ichimaru cosplay outfit, which is made up of white cape, Kimono and the belt and we can see it clearly form the picture shows here. Even so we still could tell them apart beacause that each of them has their distinctive appearance and personality.
In terms of Hitsugaya, he is indeed a great boy at the age of 13 in human life and the youngst captian, so he is a genius but is short in stature. What is more, he is mature and serious all the time. His silver hair and emerald eyes make him eye-catching. Hence, as for the cosplay, aside from the cosplay costume, the wig is another crucial element. If you don’t wear the corresponding wig which would lead to great confusion with other members.
If you are gonna cosplay bleach Hitsugaya, don’t forget to put on the silver spinous cosplay wig. And then you will display an enjoyable bleach cosplay show.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bleach Gin Ichimaru Cosplay Costumes

Gin Ichimaru is one of the characteristic figures among the other roles of Bleach, and his squint featured eyes are the first thing comes to our mind when speaking of him and also are his trademark. Gin gives others a feeling of calmness and maliciousness. All in all, he is a special and attractive man in the eyes of the cosplayers and Rangiku Matsumoto as well.

As a result, there are quite a number of imitators into this type of bleach cosplay. In terms of the impersonating, more than one cosplay costumes are there for our choice, and there are mainly three, one is the 3rd Division Captain Gin Ichimaru cosplay outfit which is composed of white cape, Kimono and the belt, and the Bleach Gin Ichimaru Arrancar cosplay costume comes with trousers, Kimono and white cape along with belt.  And the third one is the Soul Reaper cosplay outfit made up of  Kimono and overcoat. This latter two attires look the same as each other to some extent but we still could tell them apart.
Cosplay this bleach character is a pattern of expressing our interest and passion and relaxing us to the fullest in the show.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bleach Shinji Hirako Cosplay Costume

One of the bleach Shijin Hirako cosplay costumes is made up of black shirt, overcoat, white and black stripe tie, pants and belt, which is the accoutrement he wears when he is in the form of Hollowification. On my part, this is the most handsome Shijin although he is handsome all the way. The imposing and cool overcoat or the shirt is quite attractive.

Bleach Shinji Hirako Cosplay Costume
What impress us mostly are his yellow mushroom hair, even teeth and the big mouth. He also has slim bodyshape and charming smile. Shijin is perfect in his adherents, such as he is brave, elegant, intelligent, youthful, responsible and just. As a result, a lot of the cosplayers focus their attention on this bleach character. One of main reasons is that Shijin is really characteristic and different from the other roles in this seriers. Anyone of us could imitate him just because of one simple reason, for example his hairdo is interesting or the exact dress is attractive.
If you want to be cool and imposing in the show, this bleach cosplay outfit is your best choice.
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