Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sexy Bleach Espada Halibel Cosplay Girl

It can be said that bleach espada Halibel cosplay is an ideal idea for busty girls who are willing to show skins and have dark skin tone. Due to the worldwide popularity of this bleach character, any of us would be quite noticeable and popular as long as we appear in front of people.
by cosplayer Samarah
And this is really sexy and cool bleach Halibel cosplay that I want to share this cosplayer’s cool shots with you today. The blonde hair, the sexy anime costume and the tan skin, everything looks so great and impressive.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bleach Ichigo Kurosaki Bankai Cosplay Girl

picture credit

What do you think of this bleach Ichigo Kurosaki Bankai cosplay? Can you figure it out that this a crossplay? Anyhow, this is really an impressive and cool Ichigo, do you agree?

Generally speaking, these manful types of characters are more suitable for male cosplayers, because females look somewhat feminine that they cannot display the contrary feelings. However, if you are good at make up and are creative, any anime or game character would always be suitable for you.

This bleach Ichigo Bankai cosplay girl does cool job. The spicky hair and the imposing black costume, plus the great background (she got a good photographer), all these contribute this cool bleach cosplay.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Good Bleach Hollow Ichigo Kurosaki Cosplay

Among the forms of Shinigami, Bankai and the Hollow, what form of bleach Ichigo cosplay would attract you easily? Or which Ichigo Kurosaki is your favorite? Anyhow, each form has gained countless fans all over the world and could make cosplayers quite cool and recognizable all the time.

Personally, I think these are really good bleach Hollow Ichigo cosplays. Probably, many of you would consider them as perfect Kurosaki Ichigo, right? Yep, they deserve it. They cool and heavy make up, the spiky white wig; the white cosplay costume and the similar build contribute very accurate White Ichigo Kurosaki.
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