Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cute Bleach Lilynette Gingerbuck Cosplay Girl

What are the impressive Bleach Lilynette cosplays have ever seen? How do you think of this cosplayer? Ad for me, she is amazing. This Lilynette looks quite cute and close. Comparing with many other overly imitated bleach characters, this girl is less excessive one. But, she is also a popular and an ideal idea for small and thin cosplay girls.

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As a member of bleach Arrancar, Lilynette Gingerbuck is not a strong or cruel as most of the other members. She is a young-looking and cheerful girl with light pink eyes and light green hair. Lilynette also has simple cosplay costume, comes with revealing vest with high collar, white briefs with black lines in the middle, arm-warmers and thigh-high, a cute but sexy anime costume.

Bleach arranncar Lilynette cosplay would be one of the best ideas for thin girls with small breasts.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cool and Sexy Bleach Espada Halibel Cosplay

If you have tan skin or dark skin, busty figure and is looking for sexy and cool anime girls for show, bleach Espada Halibel would be the top three popular and ideal ideas for you to be recognizable and charming.
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This bleach Tier Halibel cosplay girl does cool job, she shows us cool and sexy looks (she would be more excellent if she darker her skin tone). So what, any of us would identify her as long as we meet her and she is really attractive, do you agree? Hence, if you are just a big fan of Tier Halibel and don have close appearance to her, all you need to do is dress up as her without hesitation.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Noticeable Bleach Hiyori Sarugaki Cosplay

      We know that bleach cosplay has become one of the most popular and interesting ideas for girls and boys to enjoy endless fun. And most of the bleach characters are quite well-known, and Hiyori Sarugaki is of course a welcomed and noticeable girl and she would make any cosplayers prominent all the time.
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As for bleach Hiyori Sarugaki cosplay, the red jogging uniform would be the most popular choice although she has other anime costumes. There is a notable red color and the kanji “” on the coat, plus the the blonde hair and hollow mask, this bleach cosplay is really a simple but noticeable style.

Bleach Hiyori is a small but aggressive and violent girl. If you are such kind of tomboy, give this anime cosplay a try.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bleach Espada Szayel Aporro Granz Cosplay

What do you think of this bleach espada Szayel Aporro Granz? Could you figure it out that this is a crossplay? This is really a cute cosplayer and she does show us cute and noticeable espada. Due to the special features of this bleach character, both male and female are fond of him although he is a male. And some cosplay girls even do better job than boys.

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As the eithth espada in Aizen Sosuke’s team, Szayelaporro Granz is a handsome but creepy guy with shoulder-lenth pink hair, amber eyes and white-framed glasses in his normal arrancar form. He mainly has two typical anime costumes; one is the white outfit that this cosplayer wears. Another one is the Released form costume.

Anyway, this bleach espada Szayel Aporro Granz cosplay would make girls and thin boys a cool and noticeable cosplayer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Scary Bleach Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi Cosplay

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This bleach captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi really shocks me greatly. It seems that the fictional character soul reaper 12th division’s captain is just standing in front of me, this cosplayer does amazing job, and he scares me successfully that I even dare not to look into his eyes. This is one of the best bleach cosplays.

As the captain of the 12th Division of Soul Society in Bleach, Mayuri Kurotsuchi is an ideal cosplay idea for people who want to do eye-catching and odd style. The skeletal-like face is covering by white color with the inner part of his face covered by black except his nose, the golden eyes and teeth exposed all the time, the white hat with two ends pointing to the right, all of these features could capture people’s focus easily. If you don’t want to show your face or want to hide you head when cosplaying, bleach captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi would be a good choice.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Busty Bleach Arrancar Orihime Inoue Cosplay Girl

It is well known that bleach Orihime Inoue is famous for her busty figure and long orange hair. Hence, cosplay girls who have curve body shape would choose this popular bleach character. And they do will stand out and be recognizable.
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There are different anime costumes for Orihime cosplay, and this Arrancar form is one of the popular ideas for girls. This busty girl really has Orihime’s face and figure, so we would be attractive by her as long as we see her. She dose really great job.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bleach Rukia Cosplay Girls

When it comes to bleach girls who have black hair, Rukia Kuchiki would be the first one comes to our head, right? It is because of this fact that she is one of the leading characters of Bleach and she is really an impressive girl. She is short in stature but acts like a boy, she has short hair with several strands of hair always hanging between her eyes. And Rukia always wears the Soul Reaper uniform as the Shinigami, and she also wears school girl’s uniform in human world.
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Bleach Rukia has several different anime costumes, hence, apart from the standard soul reaper uniform; there are the school outfits, the cool dress that Dark Rukia wears in Bleach: Fade to Black and the daily clothes.

Here are some great Rukia cosplay girls who are dressing up as Bleach Rukia Kuchiki in different costumes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pretty Bleach 56th Arrancar Sun Sun Cosplay Girls

Comparing with some extremely popular bleach characters, such as Ichigo Kurosaki, Ranigku Matsumoto, Halibel and Ulquiorra, Sun-Sun is a less popular idea, however she is anime girl who is distinctive and special and cosplayers would be recognized as long as they appear in front of people. The long hair and long white arrancar uniform is very noticeable.

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As the 56th arrancar in Bleach, Sun-Sun (her real name is Cyan Sung-Sun) is a beautiful and slender girl with olive-green hair, long eyelashes and three pink dots below her right eye.

Take a look at there bleach Sun Sun cosplay girls, they are very beautiful although in simple style of anime costume. If you are fond of some special makeup on face, don’t forget Sun-Sun.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cool Bleach Ichigo Cosplay Guys

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Ichigo Kurosaki is one of my favorite bleach characters, and there are a large number of boys and girls are fascinated by him. When we speaking of Shinigami, Ichigo would be the top three come to our mind. At the same time, there are tons of cosplayers are obsessed with this bleach cosplay, while, females are doing crossplay and gender-bending Ichigo.

        It seems that any guy would become quite cool and impressive as long as they put on the black soul reaper uniform or the other relative clothes of Ichigo Kurosaki, and the hollow mask and sword also play important part in the whole work. Here are some really cool bleach Ichigo cosplays for you.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cool Bleach Soul Reaper Rukia Cosplay

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This bleach soul reaper Rukia Kuchiki cosplay is really impressive, do you agree? On my part, I think this girl does great job and she represent us a vivid and cool Rikua. Although there are so many Rukia cosplays at various types of party and conventions, not so many of them could really show lively one, some of them need a better wig or need to style their real hair more properly, and some of them just don’t have the similar face or body shape with bleach Rukia.

However, this cosplay girl shows us a precise Rukia Kichiki, the hair (maybe she wears a wig), the soul reaper uniform and the special effect are great.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Simple Bleach Uryuu Purple Cosplay Costume

Different from most of the other anime costumes, this purple bleach Uryuu Ishida cosplay costume is in quite a simple style, which is in the form of shirt with short sleeves and black pants, plus the white bandage. Obviously, this outfit would be a good choice for cosplayers who want to do a casual cosplay and don’t want to be a shining participant. And a lof of people would just consider you as a common people if you don’t have the similar build, face and hairstyle with Uryuu Ishida.

However, if you are still could stand out and be recognized by others easily, which just show that you are really an excellent cosplayer and do everything great on this bleach cosplay. But, if you are a huge fan of Uryuu Ishida, everything about him would be quite special and a must-try for you.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Beautiful Bleach Nel Cosplay Girl

There are always so many beautiful and sexy bleach Nel cosplay girls. Probably, one of the main reasons is that this bleach girl has distinctive appearance and simple costume. The long, curl blue hair, the ragged short top and mini skirt and busty figure, along with skull headwear, all of them are noticeable enough at any occasion. Therefore, cosplay bleach Nel is a must-try for sexy girls.

And this bleach Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck cosplay looks quite beautiful and close to the imitated character. This is one of the best examples of good cosplay in simple clothes.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Beautiful Soi Fon and Yoruichi Shihouin Cosplay

This one of the best bleach Soi Fon and Yoruichi Shihouin cosplay I have ever seen, they look very beautiful. And some people would say it looks like Yuri related things, but it is completely not and just a great couple cosplay by sisters. (But it is normal that some people would misunderstand it, because they look really beautiful).
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      These two cosplay girls show us attractive bleach Soi Fong and captain Yoruihchi, the short wigs and the pretty face make wonderful looks. Hence, if you are searching for dual ideas in simple costumes for two girls, give this bleach cosplay a try.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Simple Bleach Espada Yammy Cosplay Costume for Big Guys

If you are strong, big, muscular and heavy and want to be imposing in simple cosplay costume, this bleach espada Yammy outfit is really an ideal idea, which is composed of white top and hakama with black belt and hollow mask, and the top jacket has no buttons or anything that will make your chest exposed, it is a somewhat sexy costume.
As the the largest current bleach espada, actually Yammy is a giant Arrancar with tan skin and brown eyes and long, thin black ponytail at the back, apart from this, he is bald. And there is red marking under his eyes. Bleach Yammy Riyalgo is one of the popular characters in the eyes of the anime and cosplay fans.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Which Bleach Espada Nel Cosplay?

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Bleach espada Nel cosplay is a great choice for kids and female cosplayers (there are seldom male genderbending Nel). It is well known that Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck has two forms in Bleach; one is the cute kids form, she has short green hair and wears a simple green gown with a hood which covers her whole body, meanwhile, she becomes quite a sexy lady in her true form, and her hair is long, waving and greenish-blue, and the gown changes into ragged green top and miniskirt. 
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    Take a look at these Bleach Nel cosplay girls, each of them has respective attractive features and also in different costume and wig. Which one do you prefer? And additionally, this is really an easy cosplay idea for girls.
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